• By using my online service it is implicit that the terms and conditions are accepted.
  • There is an understanding that respect will be employed at all times within this relationship. The therapeutic relationship is friendly but should not be confused with a friendship. It is not therefore acceptable to engage in social meetings or social media as this blurs the boundaries of confidentiality.
  • E -mail exchanges will not be disclosed to third parties. Sometimes during supervision, aspects of the therapeutic process may be disclosed however at no time will a client’s identity be exposed.
  • In the same way that the therapist protects the transcripts of the client, the client is prohibited from showing copies of dialogue to others or publishing them.
  • Session times should be respected and adhered to and advance notice of 24 hours given where possible for cancellation. Technical issues may occur for therapist or client and in this event, an alternative time may be arranged.
  • If a session is arranged and the client fails to make contact more than 20 minutes after the start time then the session is cancelled and payment will be expected for it.
  • The client should not contact the Therapist outside of the designated meeting times. They may write e -mails if it helps to express some emotional issue but not expect a reply until the arranged time.
  • The BACP code of ethics will be strictly adhered to and you can find reference to this on the site.
  • In accordance with this code of ethics, any therapist has a duty to break client confidentiality if they believe their client is in danger of hurting themselves, others or intent on breaking the law or engaging in any terrorist activity.
  • In cases of extreme distress, breakdown or psychotic illness, on line counseling is not advised and it is imperative that you contact an emergency service or GP in these circumstances.