Coping with Covid 30

Help during the Covid 19 Pandemic

Change of any kind is stressful. Add into the mix uncertainty and you may have a recipe for anxiety and panic.

Often it is how we frame that change that defines how we cope. It’s therefore important to consider a healthy and balanced mindset in response to COVID-19 and remain informed yet not overwhelmed.

Children will look to their parents and trusted adults as role models in knowing how to respond. Communication is essential and it is our responsibility to listen, dispel myths and reassure our children and adolescents.

Most fear is based upon what is not understood, known or able to be controlled.

Please find a very helpful article here that gives pointers on how to talk to younger children about COVID 19.

It is important to maintain a routine

Talk as a family about what might be barriers/difficulties
Eg If parents are trying to work from home too, this might create added pressure.
Keep those lines of communication open! Listen to each other .

Take time out from screens

Engage socially with family members and talk with friends

Play board games

Give each other emotional support

Have a giggle- laughter does you good and provides relief from depressing news stories

Exercise – so important to get the endorphins going!

Relax by reading, playing a musical instrument, being creative or meditating

Practise Mindfulness

Stay positive

Think of three things daily for which you feel grateful.
Simple but effective!

Stay compassionate and patient towards one another, whether that be your family members, friends or teachers.